They raped one of them and threw him under the train. Before that the two had food together

The public prosecutor for transport in Aczyńsk approved the charge of a criminal case against four residents of Kozulsk Krasnoyarsk Oblast.

Four people jumped on one

According to several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, four men were charged with: voluntary causing serious damage to life-threatening health, resulting in the victim’s death, sexual assault and Attempted murder.

According to the portal, the crimes were committed in September 2021. During the joint meal, a fight broke out between the victim and one of the accused. This conflict turned into a fight with others. In a confrontation with four comrades, the man did not get a chance.

A friend was raped and thrown under a train

According to the West Siberian Traffic Attorney’s Office, the perpetrators tortured their colleague and then, using the fact that he could not defend himself, brutally raped him.

“Defendants transferred the victim Loss of consciousness She could not resist the railroad “- we read in the lawyer’s statement.

Krasnoyarsk is located about 3.3 thousand. Km from Moscow. The city is located on the Trans-Siberian Railway.

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