Study: Humans, dogs and bats may have coexisted with dinosaurs

Scientists have spent a long time debating whether an early form of humans existed before the…

Einstein’s theory of relativity remains strong after the quantum challenge

The researchers confirmed a basic assumption in physics with unprecedented accuracy — that different properties of…

A SpaceX rocket launches 54 Starlink satellites and lands in the sea on flight number 16 (video)

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched a new fleet of Starlink satellites into orbit and landed…

Turning green: Earth’s oceans are changing due to climate change

NASA satellites show that more than half of Earth’s oceans are green due to climate change…

Harvard/MIT Discovery can enable total body rejuvenation

Scientists from Harvard Medical School, the University of Maine, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have…

Scientists are testing a controversial theory of blazar emissions

This artist’s conception shows Blazar – the core of an active galaxy powered by a supermassive…

A new discovery transforms our understanding of crystals

A new study finds that crystal structures, crucial to materials science and technologies such as semiconductors…

Harvard University claims to have found the elixir of youth

Harvard scientists think they’re one step closer to the fountain of youth pills that can reverse…

Researchers develop a compound that blocks the production of free radicals in the mitochondria

In 1956, Denham Harman suggested that aging results from the accumulation of oxidative damage to cells,…

New research doubles the age of the universe to 26.7 billion years

A new study suggests that the universe may be 26.7 billion years old, twice the widely…