Russia’s occupation of Ukraine. Live Broadcast – August 8

Russia Mostly, in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass, it deploys anti-personnel mines along its defense lines, including stocks of Soviet BFM-1 and BFM-1S, which pose a major threat to civilians – it said. British Ministry of Defence.

“Russia is very likely to deploy anti-personnel mines to protect and prevent free movement along its defense lines in the Donbass. These mines have the potential to cause large numbers of casualties among the military and local civilians. Donetsk and Kramatorsk, Russia often use scattered PFM-1 and PFM-1S anti-personnel mines. Commonly referred to as the ‘butterfly mine,’ the PFM-1 series is a deeply controversial, sophisticated weapon,” wrote the Daily Intelligence Update.

“PFM-1s were used with disastrous effect in the Soviet-Afghan war, where they are believed to have maimed scores of children who were mistaken for toys. The Soviet stocks used by Russia have deteriorated over time and are now very high. This poses a threat to local populations and humanitarian demining operations,” he added. .

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