Destiny’s Truly Giant Nerf’s Gjallarhorn Rocket Launcher – Pre-orders start July 7

If you are worried about that Realistic foam shooting version of the infamous Gjallarhorn rocket launcher from fate Its size will be disappointing to kids, you can quell those fears: Bungie just revealed what the actual loudspeaker will look like — and when fans can get hold of it.

Pre-orders For over 4 feet, a 1:1 scale blaster will begin July 7 at 10 a.m. PT/1PM ET, and current Gjallarhorn owners will get dibs. If you are looking to buy a high quality Nerf LMTD blaster, you need to unlock it in-game at Fate 2 Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack Before July 7 at 9AM PT before you can join the Virtual Waiting Room for your purchase. So you have a little over a week. If there’s anything left, Bungie will put it on sale starting July 21.

Now for some bad news: the price went up $25 without explanation. It will now be $185 instead of the $160 that Bungie announced last December. There is no information yet on a rough estimate of when to ship. Former Nerf LMTD Product Took over a year to arrive. Aharon be still featured.

You also shouldn’t expect Gjallarhorn to fire missiles that split into multiple arrows as we had hoped. in Bigger reveal on Bungie’s website, the designers explained that you would load a projectile with three of the massive, massive Nerf darts, and you would see those three massive darts leave the barrel at the same time. Admittedly, this makes more sense for the physics of Nerf and safety restrictions from launching a missile.

“With this projectile, we fire three MEGA darts simultaneously, giving that visual sensation of Wolfpack rotors hovering and flying through the air toward your target,” says Justin Sacon, senior project engineer at Nerf. You get three of those massive projectiles and nine arrows in total.

The reloading mechanism looks really cool:

We wanted to integrate how to reload it into the game so that the entire top cover of the Blaster itself turns forward, the loading bay opens just like it does in the game, you open the cover just like an animation, then pull it back in and you’re ready to blast a set of three mega arrows, which is Very Wonderful. It’s the first time we at NERF have made an easily reloadable MEGA projectile that fires multiple MEGA darts simultaneously.

Unfortunately, Bungie and Hasbro haven’t provided any photos or videos of this mechanism in action, so you’ll have to use your imagination for now. They also don’t mention how the preparation mechanism works – nor was there any hint about its range or strength.

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