Russia-Ukraine War – Daily Report. Information on the situation in Ukraine. Wednesday, April 6

The Russians killed about 320 people in the village of Buxa, near Giza – the city mayor was told. To cover up traces of crime in Mariupol, Russian occupiers began burning the bodies of those killed in mobile cremations. NATO leader Jens Stoltenberg stressed that the operation of Russian troops in the east of the country would be a “major stage of the war” and that Moscow was “sending all its forces there.”

Another, the 42nd day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We summarize the most important events of Wednesday, April 6th.

Massacre in Pucha. The number of victims is given

read more: War in Ukraine. Mer Anatoly Fedoruk: The Russians killed 320 people in Buxa

Russia hides crimes. Mobile burns bodies in the fire

read more: Like Mariupol. Officials: The Russians began burning civilians in mobile incinerators

Jens Stoltenberg: This will be the main stage of the war

  • Russian action in eastern Ukraine Will be the main stage of the war. Moscow sends its troops there. We are entering a critical phase of the conflict, but we need to prepare ourselves for the long-term struggles, he said.NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg;
  • – The alliance must continue Support Kiev by providing military equipment. These are both heavy artillery and light anti-tank guns. Ukraine is in high demand in this regard – Stoltenberg said;
  • The coalition leader stressed that NATO’s new strategic vision should take into account not only the consequences of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, but also China’s new role in pursuing a policy of increasing expansion in East Asia.

read more: War in Ukraine. Jens Stoltenberg: Russia is sending all its troops east of Ukraine

Moraviki appeals to EU countries: Do you have to wait for Pucha?

  • – I think we all ask ourselves a question. Is it really necessary to wait for the massacre at Buxa? Previous Europe’s response to Russia’s invasion was very weak – he said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki;
  • – Must be done immediately Seizure of assets of Russian oligarchs And Russia’s resources in Western banks, he added;
  • The Prime Minister made an urgent call Addition of the Council of Europe;
  • – If we do not act now – the Bucza massacre will only be a prelude. If we do not act now – Europe will run with the blood of innocent victims – said the head of government.

read more: Mateusz Morawiecki appealed to the EU countries. “Russia has not lost much”

Victor Orban called Putin for talks

  • I interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin. I invited him to take part in the peace talks in Hungary – Victor Orban told a news conference;
  • “The answer is positive, but the implementation of this plan depends on many conditions,” said the Hungarian Prime Minister. The proposal includes talks with the leaders of France and Germany
  • When asked about the wave of condemnation of crimes against civilians in Pusa, near Kiev, Orban said that all reports on the matter should be verified independently because “we live in a time of mass manipulation”.

read more: Victor Orban invited Vladimir Putin to peace talks

Four-year-old Sasha’s body was found

  • Ukrainian portal Obozrevatel wrote Tuesday evening Fr. Four-year-old Sasha’s body was foundWho fell from the boat during the evacuation;
  • The boy and his relatives escaped across the Dnieper River from the Vysokrod district in the Kiev region, which was blocked by the Russians;
  • The boat capsized after the Russian fire;

read more: Ukraine: Four-year-old girl Sasha dies. The Russians opened fire and the boy fell from the boat

Vladimir Shirinovsky is dead. Putin’s supporter

  • He is dead Vladimir ShirinovskyVyacheslav Volodin, leader of Russia’s National Liberal Democratic Party (LPDR), the head of the State Duma, announced Wednesday;
  • Żyrinowski, 75, is known for his provocative and anti-Western statementsMade him popular in Russia for more than three decades, Reuters points out;
  • “It simply came to our notice then Poland speaks Russian“- once argued by a politician;
  • The former vice president of the State Duma repeatedly threatened the Poles. In an interview with Do Rzeczy, he said that Poland was conducting a “strong anti-Russian campaign in the world.” – At present, with the policy of aggression against Russia only confirms my opinion that your officers should be allowed within the borders of our state of Poland – he added.

read more: Vladimir Shirinovsky, leader of Russia’s Nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, has died.

Romania: Car crashes at embassy gate in Russia

  • The car collided and caught fire at the gate of the Russian embassy in Bucharest. The driver of the vehicle was immediately killed;
  • It is not clear whether this event was an accident or a planned act;

  • Romanian officials on Tuesday said they would expel 10 Russian diplomats who “did not follow international rules”. Many EU countries, including Poland, have done the same in recent times.

read more: Romania: Car crashes at Russian embassy gate. The driver is dead

Video of the day: Ilya Ponomariov: We will hang Lavro on the same rope as the ribbontrap in Nuremberg.

Sergei Lavrov is as guilty of war crimes as Nazi Foreign Minister Ribbentrop. Ilia Bonomariov, a former deputy of the Russian State Duma, said that we would hang it on the same rope on which the Nuremberg ribbon was hung, the only one who voted against Russia annexing Crimea to Polsat News, on the show “One Day the World”.

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See also  Ukraine. A politician detonated a grenade at a village council meeting. One person has died

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