Press on Nord Stream 2, Germany and Russian threat

German society is seriously worried about the coming winter. The Russian gas threat It forced the government in Berlin to look at every opportunity to ensure the country’s energy security. According to recent media reports, German gas storage facilities are already three-quarters full.

Meanwhile, German media are asking what will happen to the local community if the crisis continues for the next few years. The picture emerging from the articles is not positive. As the “Badische Zeitung” writes, most Germans have no doubt that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline should be launched.

“According to the Forsa poll, two out of three Germans would have no problem with Nord Stream 2 gas. But if Germany agrees on this issue, it threatens the unity of the West. Also, in Eastern Europe, Nord Stream 2 is a symbol of the wrong, too naive German policy towards Russia. With the gas pipeline grid If annexed, it would reawaken distrust. Germany would be isolated, ‘we read.

Russian threat

The Frei Presse from Chemnitz, however, warns the Germans against being too selfish and points out that the stakes are much higher: the energy security of the entire region.

“It is no longer a question of maintaining our prosperity indefinitely at the expense of the security of our neighbors and based on cheap gas prices. Energy prices will never reach their previous levels. The next two or three years will be energy security and providing military support to Ukraine to reach an unsuccessful peace agreement from the Russian aggressor and to continue the violence. prompting him. Although some, because of prosperity and cheap gas, forget to appreciate democracy: Ukraine protects our way of life, ”we read.

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In turn, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” indicates that the Russian gas threat against Germany is aimed at attacking “political unity and social peace” in the country. The government in Berlin is trying to prepare society for the difficult times ahead and is working on solutions to counteract the negative impact of the increase on the lives of Germans. However, the daily says that only experience with the full force of the crisis will show how resilient German society and the political system are.

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“Die Welt”: Poland is stronger than ever
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“Der Spiegel”: Does Germany deserve European unity?

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